
How to perform the heat treatment of 1.2344 mould steel

     1.2344 steel as a martensitic hot work die steel, with high toughness and resistance to thermal fatigue performance, moderate resistance to temper softening ability and resistance to melting loss and other comprehensive performance, belongs to medium heat resistant ductile steel, it‘s a kind of ideal hot work die steel. Currently, widely used in manufacturing aluminum die-casting mold many of them are made of 1.2344 mould steel, its not prone to fatigue cracking, even if there is also thin and short fatigue crack is not easy to expand. And anti-strong bond, and the interaction between the molten metal is small, thus ensuring casting can get better visual quality. Because of this the steel also has a high hot hardness, and commonly used in the hot extrusion processing.
     After annealing 1.2344 steel microstructure is mainly pearlite and a small amount of undissolved carbides, very stable supercooled austenite in the pearlite transformation zone. 1.2344 mould steel for containing high chromium steel and has good hardenability, more than 1% of the molybdenum contained in the steel, the steel hardenability it also plays an important role. Since vanadium can form stable carbides in the steel, actually reduces the steel hardenability. A 100mm diameter steel bars in air cooling quenching can also complete quenching. Size is larger than the 100mm mold adopts oil quenching.

1.2344 mould steel

The above article from Songshunsteel official website (http://www.songshunsteel.com/)
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