
What are the advantages of 1.2344 ESR steel

     1.2344 ESR steel is use of ESR to smelting, so it has a very high purity, macroscopic and microscopic uniformity is also high.
     When the sulfur content is lower than 0.005%, the transverse toughness becomes high.
     Special smelting method makes the alloy elements distribution is very uniform, can also form a uniform annealing microstructure with globular carbide.
     The maximum tempering hardness is 229HB.
     The 1.2344 steel need good thermally processed to obtain a uniform quenched and tempered tissue, so that the mechanical properties isotropic.
     The steel is made mould can resist the formation and propagation of cracks, especially produced thermal stress when temperature changes.

1.2344 ESR steel

The above article from Songshunsteel official website (http://www.songshunsteel.com/)
The original address: http://www.songshunsteel.com/news_show_27_15_67.html, reproduced please specify. songblog1504

